


Weber Associates, 2019-2020


Marketing Collateral


DESIGNERS: Brandon Muschlitz, Erin Reinhard
COPYWRITER: Karen Knudsen


Sprint’s business model focuses on deals to attract new clients. Depending on the promotional period, there are between 20 and 50 offers for devices, accessories, and plans at any given time. Their frontline retail materials are instrumental in communicating their deals to customers.

In 2019, Weber Associates helped Sprint develop sales material for store representatives. We created a system for presenting offers, including flyers, e-collateral, and a multi-page savings guide. As the designer for this project, I worked with a Weber team copywriter to help convey the new offers.


First, we created variations of every Sprint offer for their various target markets. For example, when we created an offer in English, we created the same one in Spanish. We also helped them create segmented offers for their retail partners, including Best Buy, Walmart, and Sam’s Club. While the design across offers was consistent, we made sure to keep track of changes to legal copy between versions.

Installment Billing Pricing, English

Installment Billing Pricing, Spanish

Walgreens, Installment Billing Pricing, English

Lease Pricing, English

Lease Pricing, Spanish


Flyers were the most common form of collateral we created. Typically, flyers fit into three main categories:

1. Phone offers
2. Accessory offers (tablets, smart watches, speakers)
3. Plan offers (pricing tables, 5G service, and cash-back plan incentives)

I created 441 flyers for Sprint’s retail collateral project between 2019 and 2020.


Weber Associates created a retail sales tool for Sprint that allows store representatives to easily calculate plan costs, compare plans to other wireless providers, and see current promotions. We also created digital versions of the flyers to include in the sales tool.

I created 105 e-collateral pieces for Sprint’s retail collateral project between 2019 and 2020.

Savings Guide

In late 2019, Weber Associates began working on Sprint’s savings guides. The savings guide combines all current offers into one piece of collateral. They’re a convenient way for store representatives to walk customers through all their savings options.

I co-designed two savings guides for Sprint’s retail collateral project between 2019 and 2020.

2019 Holiday Collateral

The holiday season is the perfect time of year for Sprint to attract new customers. Every year, they provide new, holiday-specific assets to use in their in-store marketing materials.

In 2019, Sprint chose a whimsical sparkling wave and light flare design. Weber Associates used their design to refresh all existing offers with new branding. We did this for both mobile and printed flyers.

During the holiday season, I created 48 flyers and 22 e-collateral pieces for Sprint’s retail collateral project.