
Root Insurance


Marketing Capstone, 2017


Marketing Strategy,
Marketing Collateral


Dimi Bizios
Ryan Hines
Emily Kinney
Brandon Muschlitz
Amanda Patterson
Maggie Thomas


Root Insurance is a fast-growing, Columbus-based, car insurance startup. Despite their rapid growth, Root was having trouble attracting and engaging millennial women. In fall 2017, they partnered with Ohio State University Fisher College of Business to host a senior marketing capstone project.

Over the course of a semester, my team conducted primary and secondary research, analyzed results, and determined two strategies Root could put in place. At the end of the semester, all eight teams presented their findings to Root executives—our team won first place.


1. Evaluate how millennial women feel about car insurance, especially Root Insurance.

2. Determine what factors it would take for millennial women to switch their car insurance policies to Root Insurance.

3. Determine the best routes to reach and engage millennial women with Root Insurance.


To get a better understanding of how millennial women view car insurance, our team developed an online survey using Qualtrics. After analyzing the data, we conducted in-depth interviews with 12 millennial women to gain qualitative insights. We also conducted secondary research through trade publications and industry-specific sources. Finally, we gathered our research and distilled it into three key insights.


446 Total Respondents

274 Valid Responses*

56 Valid Responses* from Millennial Women


12 One-on-One Interviews

Millennial Women aged 21 - 31

Secondary Research

The Nielsen Company

JD Power


*valid responses must satisfy the following three requirements: 1) respondent must own/lease a car, 2) respondent must have their own policy or be on a spouse's policy, and 3) respondent must be looking to get a policy within the next 12 months

Key Insight 1

Millennial women choose their current car insurance providers based upon forms of personal recommendations, not necessarily from traditional advertisements.

Key Insight 2

In general, millennial women lack trust in car insurers and are skeptical of Root Insurance because of the perceived lack of transparency about Root’s review process, telematics privacy, and pricing.

Key Insight 3

Millennial women can go without agents but they still need a reliable human factor to communicate questions, comments, and concerns with. The agent or customer service representative must be knowledgeable and confident about the price, coverage, and general process of the company.


Leveraging key insights from the research, our team developed two strategies to engage Millennial women. The first strategy focuses on personal recommendations through Hulu Ads, YouTube influencers, and podcast ads. We also developed a creative campaign using the hashtag #RootedInChange.

The second strategy centers on improvements to the Root app, including a chat service, interactive test drive results, and a policy roadmap that outlines the perks of Root Insurance.

Strategy 1

Leverage personal recommendations through influential people to engage millennial women.

Creative Campaign: Rooted In Change

We based the Root campaign on the idea that lots of technological advances are initially rebuffed based on their implausibility. While getting car insurance through an app seems preposterous to some, Root embraces technology and sees it as an integral part of the future. We used the #RootedInChange hashtag to boost social media engagement.

Tactic 1A

Hulu Ads

Millennials in general have a high rate of online streaming. The cost per impression onHulu is $20-25, which is 30-40 percent less expensive than other streaming services.

Tactic 1b

YouTube Influencers

Beauty and lifestyle influencers online have thousands of followers in our targeted demographic. Followers are more likely to purchase a product if an influencer gives it an authentic endorsement.

Tactic 1C

Podcast Ads

Like influencers, authentic female podcasters enjoy a large following of Millennial women. Followers are more likely to purchase a product or service if a podcast host gives it an authentic endorsement.

Strategy 2

Provide millennial women with an accurate and transparent message, supported with reliable human factors and informative resources, in order to build trust and comfort in Root Insurance.

Tactic 2A

Root Instant Message Chat Service

Adding an instant messaging chat bot to Root’s website and mobile app would let them answer user questions with speed and ease.

Tactic 2b

Test Drive Results

Root requires every potential customer to take a test drive before signing up forRoot Insurance. Not so fun, especially when you don’t understand your final score and the decision behind it. We suggested incorporating Test Drive Results, giving testers the ability to understand why they did or didn’t pass.

Tactic 2C

New Customer Policy Roadmap

We recommend a direct mail campaign, like a Policy Roadmap, to engage customers who passed the Root Test Drive but didn’t purchase an insurance plan.